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    First Tee

First Tee - Phoenix at Lone Tree Golf Club
Lone Tree Golf Club officially became an affiliate location of First Tee - Phoenix (www.FirstTeePhoenix.org) in October 2012. Since that time, our facility has become of one of the largest programming sites in the chapter.

Our participants, volunteers and coaches consistently demonstrate the Nine Core Values, and adhere to the First Tee mission statement by striving "to impact the lives of young people by providing learning programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.”

New Members
Children ages 7-17 are eligible to join First Tee - Phoenix at Lone Tree Golf Club. Joining the First Tee can be done by simply visiting our website at, www.firstteephoenix.org and clicking the "Register" link at the top of the screen. After that, simply follow the steps to join and register for First Tee - Phoenix.
PLAYer & Par programming classes are one hour in length, while Birdie & Eagle are 90 minutes long. Members are expected to be on time and prepared to participate when class begins. A mandatory Parent/Guardian Orientation is held during the first week of each new programming session during the PLAYer level classes.

First Tee - Phoenix at Lone Tree Golf Club is always looking for adults who are interested in becoming volunteer coaches and assisting with our programming classes and/or chapter events and tournaments. You must be at least 18 years of age and complete a Volunteer Application. Applicants must provide the information necessary to complete a full background check, 90 minute video training, agree to uphold the Code of Conduct, and will be able to attend a free Volunteer Training class in the future.

First Tee - Phoenix is an Arizona based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and accepts monetary or in-kind donations, including new and "good as new” golf equipment. Equipment includes, but is not limited to, clubs, balls, golf bags, golf shoes, etc. Golf equipment donations can be dropped off at Lone Tree Golf Club during normal business hours.
If you would like to document your donation for tax purposes, please print out and complete a Donation Form before you arrive at the facility.

Programming Sessions
Classes at all levels are scheduled in four "programming sessions” each year. New members can only join within the first 2 weeks of a programming session in the PLAYer class level.

Click here for this year’s session schedule

Session #3 programming classes will be in the form of 4 day Summer Camps. The Summer Camps are held in June and July at various programming locations. The camps will run Monday - Thursday from 7:30am – 9:00am or 9:30am – 11:00am, and the cost will be $50 per child for the entire week of classes.

Contact Information
If you have any questions about First Tee - Phoenix at Lone Tree Golf Club, please contact Site Coordinator Mike Bergeson. He can be reached at his office# (602) 566-7393 or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
